January 18, 2024

How much should you be spending on Google ads? (Lead Gen Calculator)

How much should you be spending on Google ads? (Lead Gen Calculator)

If you would like to me manage your own Google or Facebook Ads account, then please get in touch here: https://calendly.com/growfmarketing/3...

Download the Google Ads performance predictor here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

In this video, I go over the metrics to can expect to achieve based on your ad spend on Google Ads. To make this as realistic of a forecast as possible, you will need the following metrics:

- Ad spend


- Website CVR

- Lead to customer CVR

- Average deal value

Then based on conversion rates and CPC we can forecast your results. However, please bare in mind that scaling spend infinitely won't return the same ROAS, it will begin to come down, the more you spend.

Google Ads: How To Add Audiences To Your Search Campaign (2023)

Google Ads: How To Add Audiences To Your Search Campaign (2023)

If you would like to me manage your own Google or Facebook Ads account, then please get in touch here: https://calendly.com/growfmarketing/3...

- Google Ads: How To Add Audiences To Your Search Campaign (2023)

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Google Ads: How To Change Bidding Strategy (2023)

Google Ads: How To Change Bidding Strategy (2023)

Work with my agency:If you would like to partner with my agency to manage your Google or Facebook Ads accounts,

then please get in touch here: https://calendly.com/growfmarketing/3...


Google Ads: How To Change Bidding Strategy (2023)

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Google Analytics: How To Add A User In 2023 (UA & GA4)

Google Analytics: How To Add A User In 2023 (UA & GA4)

If you would like to me manage your own Google or Facebook Ads account, then please get in touch here: https://calendly.com/growfmarketing/3...

- This video is an exact step-by-step tutorial of how you can add a user to your Google Analytics account in under 2 minutes. This will work for both Universal Analytics & Google Analytics 4 (UA & GA4).

Get free access to all of my marketing frameworks here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPWzgRs...

Why listen to me?

My name's Josh and I have 4 years of in-house e-com business and marketing agency experience working specifically on Google, Facebook, and Linkedin advertising.

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