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February 29, 2024

3 Ways To View Asset Group Performance | Pmax

Explore three simple ways to view your asset group performance and optimize your campaigns effectively.

3 Ways To View Asset Group Performance | Pmax

Performance Max campaigns are a powerful tool for advertisers, but sometimes, navigating and understanding asset group performance can be a bit tricky. Unlike search campaigns, where you can easily review and make changes, performance Max campaigns require a different approach. In this blog post, we'll explore three simple ways to view your asset group performance and optimize your campaigns effectively.

Table View

Asset groups

The first method involves utilizing the table view in your Performance Max campaign. Start by selecting your campaign and navigating to the asset group section. Click on the table view option in the right-hand column and add relevant columns like cost, impressions, clicks, and conversions. This will allow you to see the performance of each asset group, making it easier to identify top performers and areas for improvement. You can also filter the data based on metrics like conversion value divided by cost to prioritize your optimization efforts.

Listing Groups

Listing groups

If you're using listing groups in your campaign, this method will come in handy. Simply go to your listing groups section, where you'll find performance data for each asset group based on the listing products included. This method provides valuable insights into the performance of specific product categories, allowing you to make informed decisions about your campaign strategy. Similar to the table view, you can customize the columns to display metrics like clicks, costs, and average CPC for deeper analysis.

Google Script

For a more advanced and comprehensive view of your asset group performance, consider implementing a Google script into your account. This method allows you to create customizable charts that provide detailed insights into various aspects of your campaign, including spending across different ad formats and the performance of individual asset groups. With this level of data visibility, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns for better results.


Optimizing asset group performance is crucial for the success of your Performance Max campaigns. By utilizing the table view, listing groups, and Google script methods outlined in this post, you can gain valuable insights into your campaign performance and make informed decisions to drive better results. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced advertiser, these simple yet effective strategies will help you maximise the performance of your Performance Max campaigns.