30% Increase In New Customers within the NCAC target - DR.VEGAN

30% Increase In New Customers within the NCAC target - DR.VEGAN


Google Ads
30% Increase In New Customers within the NCAC target - DR.VEGAN

The Client - DR.VEGAN

DR.VEGAN make vegan supplements that cater to specific issues like the menopause and hair thinning. They wanted to increase new customers while maintaining working to their NCAC target and needed help to improve their Google activity.

The Goal - Increase New Customers

  • Maximise the number of New Customers they get across the board while still remaining under their blended New Customer Acquisition Cost target. 
  • 15% increase in New Customers YoY from Google

The Results - 30% Increase

  • 30% increase in total new customers since we started
  • Exceeded their 15% New Customer target year-on-year
  • Created (then broke) 5 record days for new customers since we started!
  • Generated their record week, month and day of New Customers

How we achieved those results

  • Segmenting campaigns into Higher and Lower Demand products to control spend
  • Ran a Feed Only campaign which pushed the products to more to Google Shopping
  • Created Discovery Words campaigns based around top of funnel keywords for each product
  • Exported Shopify & Google data into a spreadsheet to match each campaign’s impact on New Customers. This relied on UTM tagging for each campaign (very old school!)
  • We also provided them a UGC Meta Advert from our time at Glastonbury which brought in 45 sales due to its native UGC feel which you can watch below!

Watch the full case study video on Josh's YouTube channel: