Google Ads
February 29, 2024

Performance Max "Feed-Only" Best Structure | Test Results Analysed

Boost your ROAS with feed-only Performance Max campaigns! Learn how minimal assets can drive better results by focusing ad spend on Google Shopping.

Performance Max "Feed-Only" Best Structure | Test Results Analysed

In this blog post, I'll explain how I structure Performance Max (PMax) "feed-only" campaigns, a strategy that has been driving impressive results for our clients. By focusing on minimal assets—using fewer images, ad copy, and no videos—we encourage Google to allocate more spending towards Google Shopping, where we consistently see the highest return on ad spend (ROAS). While this approach doesn't work for every campaign, we've found it highly effective when used alongside a full-asset PMax campaign. Let's dive into how it works and the results we've seen!

Feed-Only PMax Campaign

What is a Feed-Only PMax Campaign

The concept of a feed-only PMax campaign is simple: you strip the campaign down to the essentials. That means:

  • No videos
  • Minimal images
  • Basic ad copy

The goal is to ensure most of your ad budget is spent on Google Shopping, where we consistently see the best return on ad spend (ROAS) for e-commerce clients.

This strategy isn't about cutting corners. Instead, it's a focused approach to driving traffic through the channel that performs best. Of course, we don't rely solely on feed-only campaigns—we typically run them alongside full-asset PMax campaigns to cover all our bases. But for certain products, feed-only can be a game-changer.

How We Tested It

We ran three different types of campaigns for a single product that later expanded into a product group:

  1. Full-Asset Campaign: Included all the usual assets—headlines, images, videos, extensions, etc.
  2. Feed-Only with Audience Signals: This used minimal assets but included audience signals and search themes to target specific user groups.
  3. Feed-Only Campaign: A bare-bones setup with very few assets and no audience signals.

After spending around €200, the campaign that combined feed-only assets with audience signals came out on top. It consistently delivered the highest ROAS, confirming that this hybrid approach offers the best results.

Ideal Feed-Only Campaign Structure

The Ideal Feed-Only Campaign Structure

Here's a breakdown of how we structure our feed-only PMax campaigns:

Minimal Assets:

  • Three headlines
  • One long headline
  • Two descriptions
  • Two images
  • Business logo and name
  • No videos, site links, or extensions

Audience Signals and Search Themes:

Adding these helps Google identify the best audience for your product without you having to rely on display or video ads.

The goal is to provide Google with just enough to run Shopping ads while limiting its ability to display the campaign in other formats like search, YouTube, or display.

Why Feed-Only Campaigns Work

The key to success here is in controlling the ad spend. By limiting assets, you essentially "nudge" Google Ads to focus most of the budget on Shopping ads, where we've seen the best performance. Google might still spend a bit on other channels like search or video, but the bulk goes shopping.

We also use a PAC (Performance Max Allocation) Script to monitor where the money is being spent. This allows us to ensure that the majority of the budget is going where it should—towards Google Shopping.

Test Results Breakdown

Based on our tests, the campaign structured as "Feed-Only + Audience Signals" significantly outperformed the others. Here's what we found:

  • Most of the budget went to Shopping ads.
  • Some money was spent on video ads and other channels, but the best ROAS came from Shopping.
  • Minimal assets allowed the campaign to stay laser-focused on Shopping, driving better conversions for our clients.

Final Thoughts

Feed-only PMax campaigns aren't a one-size-fits-all solution, but for many e-commerce businesses, they offer a highly effective way to maximize returns on Google Shopping. By keeping the asset count low and focusing on Shopping ads, you can improve performance without overcomplicating your campaigns.

If you're curious to try this approach or want help managing your Google Ads account, feel free to book a consultation. Let's chat about how we can help you reach your goals.